OBSolutions Petition Sample
Organized Business Solutions
The following message is directed to the informed buyer.  It has come
to my
attention, through thorough research, that the number of female luxury
car buyers and home owners has increased dramatically over the
past five years.  That says quite a bit about the “working woman”.  It
says that women are more independent today than they were in the
past and less apprehensive to step out alone and make “pricey”
purchases.  I believe it is important to give credit where credit is due.  
I petition all young women, and young men for that matter, to take your
credit and credit reports seriously.  They weigh in much heavier today
than they did in the
past.  A much older individual told me that when they initially started
issuing social security numbers, the public was “informed” that they
did not need to worry about being classified or excluded in any way,
due to their registration with the social security office.  We know now,
that is not the truth.  That was simply stated to lower apprehension as
far as taking part in this “system of classification”.  So my plea is that
young people take the time to educate themselves and others
regarding the importance and relevance of good credit and a high
credit score.  We know the system is constantly changing so don’t get
swept away in the rat race.  EDUCATE

A message to you from OBS-Houston

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